• 4:31, 20 May 2022
  • Updated: 4:31, 20 May 2022

MERCURY is in retrograde, meaning it is moving backward in the sky for the second time so far this year, and it may impact your zodiac sign.

Because the planet dictates communication, travel, and technology, all of the signs can experience some chaos during a planetary retrograde.

Mercury’s complete retrograde movement started on May 10 and will continue until June 3.

When it comes to relationships, this movement happens to fall in the signs of Gemini and Taurus, meaning communication with an ex may be likely during this time. But that doesn’t mean you should give in to the temptation.

Astrologers advise against doing several things during this period, including signing any contracts, going on big trips, or entering situations that could cause miscommunication or toxicity — including reaching out to your ex.

“Planetary retrogrades are moments of collective pause and reflection. When Mercury retrograde occurs, we are being asked to slow down and double-check the details,” astrologer Ellen Bowles told the media outlet Well and Good.

Read our Mercury Retrograde 2022 live blog for the latest news and updates…

  • Twitter feeling the effects of the retrograde, continued

    Other people have made jokes about the Mercury retrograde.

    One person tweeted: “This mercury retrograde is really retrograding.”

    Another person wrote: “don’t go back to ur ex this mercury retrograde.”

    This mercury retrograde is really retrograding

    — Danielle ✨🌑🌞 (@starsmoonandsun) May 16, 2022

  • Twitter feeling the effects of the retrograde

    Since the beginning of the retrograde, people have been feeling its effects.

    Some people have taken to Twitter to discuss what they’ve experienced so far.

    One person wrote: “Okay so we’re all FEELING this mercury retrograde lol bc it came with hands and said: none of y’all are safe.”

    Another user tweeted: Every Mercury retrograde I end up deleting numbers, unfollowing people, and cancelling memberships. Spring cleaning.”

    Okay so we’re all FEELING this mercury retrograde lol bc it came with hands and said: none of y’all are safe.

    — daughterofthemoon 🌙 (@witti_indi) May 13, 2022

  • Harnessing energy from the retrograde, continued

    Country Living also recommends making use of any crystals you may have lying about in your home.

    Daisy said: “The crystal Amazonite is particularly potent during this time due to the strong Gemini energy whilst transitioning into June.

    “Through balancing masculine and feminine energies, Amazonite helps you to see both sides of any personal or interpersonal problems which is vital during this time of strained communication.

    “Try warming up an Amazonite crystal by a radiator or candle to expel this calming and neutralizing energy.”

  • Harnessing energy from the retrograde

    The forthcoming retrograde will occur beneath Mercury’s governing sign of Gemini, according to Daisy Foss per Country Living, an International Healer, heightening any impulses for independence or exploration.

    “The energy of Gemini is very flirty, romantic and clever, always seeing two sides to everything,” Daisy told “However, combined with the broken cycle of its ruling planet in retrograde, these two weeks can be emotionally chaotic.”

  • How does Mercury’s retrograde affect Pisces?

    Because Mercury retrograde is ingressing in Pisces’ fourth house of home and family, domestic strife may erupt in the coming weeks.

    Mercury is also retrograde in Pisces’ communication house, producing significant difficulty when it comes to expressing yourself or absorbing information.

    They may take things more personally during Mercury retrograde also, according to Bustle.

    The outlet recommends not making assumptions; instead, follow guidelines and ask questions if you’re unsure.

  • How does Mercury’s retrograde affect Virgo?

    Bustle recommends for Virgo to avoid social media during Mercury retrograde because their home of public image is brushing up against transit, and any blunders might wreck their social life.

    Mercury retrograde is penetrating Virgo’s philosophical home, leading them to doubt all they’ve ever known, and the feeling of being out of control might be frightening.

  • How does Mercury’s retrograde affect Gemini?

    Mercury retrograde is spending the first part of its backspin in Gemini’s first house of self, which may prompt this sign to doubt their purpose much more than usual, according to Bustle.

    Furthermore, this transit is spending time in their subconscious 12th house, leaving them particularly prone to deception and illusions.

    During the backspin, Geminis should avoid wandering into rabbit holes online or getting lost in social media.

  • How does Mercury’s retrograde affect Taurus?

    Taurus should be cautious about how they spend their money and their time, per Bustle.

    This nefarious transit is affecting their first and second houses of self, wealth, and values.

    It is important to keep an eye on their spending and double-check any costs that appear in their bank account.

    Mercury is influencing Taurus’ sense of self-identity in the second half, generating severe distortions in their self-image.

  • Most affected signs during Mercury retrograde

    According to StyleCaster, the impact of the retrograde will be felt mostly by the four following signs:

    • Taurus
    • Gemini
    • Virgo
    • Pisces
  • What to do during Mercury retrograde, continued

    According to Well and Good, the list includes:

    • Holding off on signing any contracts
    • Be prepared for traffic and other travel mishaps
    • Avoid situations that can lead to misunderstandings
    • Try not to rely on technology
    • Refrain from starting something new
    • Delete that toxic “U Up?” text
  • What to do during Mercury retrograde

    Mercury is the planet of communication in astrology, and while it goes retrograde, some think connections can become screwed up, causing confusion and technological problems.

    Astrologer Ellen Bowles told the media outlet Well and Good said: “Planetary retrogrades are moments of collective pause and reflection. When Mercury retrograde occurs, we are being asked to slow down and double-check the details.”

    According to Well and Good, there are six things you should avoid at this period.

  • Mercury’s distance from sun

    The average distance between Mercury and the Sun is 36million miles, but it depends on where Mercury is in its orbit.

    Mercury has an egg-shaped orbit and can get as close as 29million miles to the Sun.

    Its maximum distance away from the solar surface is 43million miles.

    In comparison, Earth’s average distance from the Sun is 93million miles.

  • How many moons Mercury has explained

    Planet Mercury actually has no moons.

    The only other planet in our Solar System with no moons is Venus.

    Earth has one, Mars has two and Saturn could have a staggering 82 moons.

  • Mercury’s retrograde in 2022

    In 2022, the planet will be in complete retrograde movements during the following dates:

    • January 14 to February 3
    • May 10 to June 3
    • September 9 to October 2
    • December 29 to January 18, 2023
  • Mercury dictates communication

    Mercury is known as the planet of communication, travel, and technology.

    Mercury Retrograde can cause frequent misunderstandings, scheduling problems, and disagreements with friends and family.

  • Mercury’s retrograde explained

    Mercury completes its orbit around the Sun in about 88 days, while the Earth takes 365 days.

    Since Mercury moves faster, it circles past the Earth around three to four times each year.

    As the planet nears Earth, it appears to slow down, stop, move backward, stop again, and then move forward.

    When Mercury is in retrograde, it appears to move backward in the sky.

  • The dates for each star sign

    The dates used by Mystic Meg for each sign are below, however, those are not exact as no one can fully determine the specific dates.

    • Capricorn: December 22 – January 20
    • Aquarius: January 21 – February 18
    • Pisces: February 19 – March 20
    • Aries: March 21 – April 20
    • Taurus: April 21 – May 21
    • Gemini: May 22 – June 21
    • Cancer:  June 22 – July 22
    • Leo: July 23 – August 23
    • Virgo: August 24 – September 22
    • Libra: September 23 – October 23
    • Scorpio: October 24 – November 22
    • Sagittarius: November 23 – December 21
  • What classifies as a planet

    The International Astronomical Union set out three characteristics that define a planet:

    1. The object must have an established orbit around the sun
    2. The object must have a strong enough field of gravity to make it “round-ish”
    3. The object must have a gravitational pull strong enough to “clear the neighborhood” around its orbit.
  • Calculating the planet position in a horoscope

    To generate your birth chart online and find out the position of the planets when you were born, you will need your date of birth, your exact time of birth, and the location.

    You can create your free chart online on websites such as Astro Charts after inputting your details.

    The planets are then plotted onto a wheel to see which horoscope sign they fall into. 

    Each planet can offer insight into your individual character and give you clarity about what you need to do for growth.

  • Experts on reading horoscopes, conclusion

    She added that while not all people of the same sign are the same, there does tend to be familiar patterns.

    “A flexible Gemini isn’t going to be as confounded by that Mercury retrograde interfering with their communications as the steady Taurus, who will find it maddening” she said.

    “As for generalization, all people of the same sign aren’t the same, but I’ve yet to meet a Scorpio who wasn’t secretive, for instance!”

  • Experts on reading horoscopes, continued

    Susannah Cavill, a former astrology columnist, has attested to this theory.

    Explaining how the planets impact a sign, she told The Loop: “It’s a combination of looking at what the planets are up to and then working out intuitively how it’s going to affect a sensitive Piscean that week if there’s going to be a tricky full moon, or disruptive Mercury transit that will affect their day-to-day relationships. 

  • Experts on reading horoscopes

    Experts at Astrolutely have said that the origins of reading horoscopes are widely debated, but the practice has remained the same.

    They wrote: “The traits of the signs and planets and the meanings of the various angular relationships (aspects) have been handed down through the ages.

    “The astrologers of the ancient world believed there was a connection between the ‘stars’ and life on earth. 

    “They named the planets and the signs after their gods, based on a combination of observation and intuition. Even today, the myths that correlate with the planets and signs tell us almost everything we need to know about them.”

  • Zodiac signs have changed

    In 2019, it was revealed that the stars have shifted, so our zodiac signs have changed too.

    The constellation named Ophiuchus was not included in the original zodiac.

  • How horoscopes work

    Horoscopes are based on the 12 signs of the zodiac.

    Zodiac is the term used to describe the circle of 12 divisions of celestial longitude that are centered upon the path of the sun.

    The 12 divisions share the names we know as our star signs, which are based on our birth month.

    Throughout history, the zodiac has been used to predict or echo characteristics of personality.

  • What to do during Mercury Retrograde

    As Mercury dictates communication, travel, and technology, experts advise you do the following when the planet is in retrograde:

    • Double-check everything
    • keep back-ups of important information or documents
    • make sure to be clear in conversations with others
