Three Transportation Security Administration officers at Miami International Airport were arrested last week for allegedly stealing from travelers.

Court records show 20-year-old Josue Gonzalez, 22-year-old Elizabeth Fuster and 33-year-old Labarrius Williams were arrested on July 6 on charges of organized schemes to defraud.

The officers were captured on surveillance video conspiring to distract passengers and steal money from them as they went through security, according to arrest affidavits. At one point, Gonzalez and Williams could allegedly be seen taking $600 out of a flyer’s wallet, and the trio was seen conspiring together to steal on multiple other occasions.

In a formal interview at TSA Command Center, Gonzalez and Fuster waived their rights and gave written statements confessing to being involved in various thefts, according to the affidavits. They admitted to stealing about $1,000 per day on average while they worked together.

Williams did not waive his rights and refused to speak, the affidavits said.

“The Transportation Security Administration holds its Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) to the highest professional and ethical standards and has no tolerance for misconduct in the workplace,” the TSA told USA TODAY in an emailed statement. “We actively and aggressively investigated these allegations of misconduct and presented our findings to (the Miami-Dade Police Department), and are working closely with them. Any employee who fails to meet our fundamental ethical standards is held accountable.”

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TSA removed the officers from their screening duties pending the conclusion of the investigation and administrative actions.

Miami International Airport referred USA TODAY to the TSA’s statement.

Nathan Diller is a consumer travel reporter for USA TODAY based in Nashville. You can reach him at
